Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Of Nick

Recently I have been spending more time in Nick’s presence, we mainly talk of Daisy and Tom although I have the feeling that he really wishes that we would talk of more. 
            He still views his life as though outside of it but he does it less when he’s around me.  We went to tea the other week to discuss inviting Daisy to tea but I fear that he thought it was going to lead to a relationship between us instead of the request I was really asking of him to host tea for Daisy and Gatsby. 
            He seems tame enough, and if you ask me he seems plain simple.  I don’t mean this is a rude way, you see, it’s just that he is quite a drag to be around in loud social settings.  And I believe that he sees me as highly haughty, I wish I could change this and maybe it is also that he cannot express himself in the way that he would like just as I cannot. 

            We have attended one more of Gatsby’s parties, this time Tom and Daisy were with us.  We took company in the same people we had seen the time before but now they struck us as more infuriating.  Managing to only stay for half of dinner we left them to talk on our own.  This may even work; I do believe I could see a relationship here.

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