Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daisy's Past

Daisy was the debutante of our small town, Louisville, Kentucky.  Always the socialite she had the heart of so many men.  But I never met any of them until Gatsby, and it was totally by chance that I did.  Daisy is two years older than me and I rarely saw her unless my golf circle ran into her debutante circle.  Gatsby was only in Kentucky as a military man; their relationship came to an end when Gatsby was deployed.  I never understood how this girl could survive without a man she was completely inseparable from just days before but before the summer was over she had been engaged to the rich Tom Buchanan. 
            There was one note that Gatsby sent her, and by chance she received this letter on the morning over her wedding.  Breaking the pearls that Tom gave her, she would not let go of that note.  But she would never tell me what that letter said. 

            I have always regretted not prying into her life.  I could’ve helped her to find Gatsby, Lord knows I travel enough, but she was always so full of herself and I could never bring myself to ask if she needed my help.  

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